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高評価: 0件

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公開日: 2022年7月04日



SomethingEnglish ver.

  1. MultiplicationTableSp
  2. DC motor app. How will it work?
  3. Happy Shopping (game for Establishment of decimal notation)
  4. the MultiplicationTable
  5. Docking, landing game
  6. Simple Harmonic motion
  7. 円の面積 Area of ​​a circle
  8. 円周の長さ(小学校) The length of the circumference
  9. A balance
  10. gear
  11. counting (decimal notation)
  12. area image
  13. similarity symmetric
  14. Proof_on_two_equilateralTriangles
  15. lens simulation
  16. Planet_retrograde
  17. Spring & weight
  18. Movement of the sun
  19. buoyancy simulation
  20. The waxing and waning of Venus
  21. Cut surface of the cube
  22. five centroids of triangle
  23. time defference
  24. image in the mirror
  25. shear transformation
  26. right_triangle & congruence
  27. Earthquake Wave
  28. Magnetic field around a magnet
  29. right-handed screw rule
  30. Fleming's left hand rule
  31. electromagnetic induction
  32. Motion of electrons in magnetic field or electric field
  33. Refraction_of_light_(fish)
  34. Volume image
  35. Sine_graph_drawing_machine
  36. sin_graph_image
  37. Positional_relationship_of_2_circles
  38. circle_equation
  39. Trigonometric_func_graph_observation
  40. Let's_go_by_train-acceleration
  41. clock_training
  42. refraction
  43. bee's_8-dance
  44. Pull the hanging weight sideways
  45. Hang_the_ball_with_two_threads
  46. fuming_machine for wave understanding
  47. Wave observation
  48. Superposition_of_sine_waves
  49. Trigonometric_function_composition
  50. Linear_Function
  51. y=ax^2 graph
  52. Exponential
  53. Logarithmic function
  54. Linear function Image
  55. Derivative_coefficient
  56. Vector_sum&difference
  57. Vector_conposition
  58. Vector_deconposition
  59. object_on_the_slope
  60. quadratic_function_graph
  61. Locus
  62. Coulomb force
  63. Waves_on_string
  64. longitudinal_wave
  65. longitudinal_wave&transverse_ wave
  66. Wave_superposition
  67. Superposition_of_circular_waves
  68. Young's interference experiment

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