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【Tsukuba Shuei HS】(English)New Teacher Emma Sensei

高評価: 9件

再生: 336回

公開日: 2021年5月26日

#japanschool #schoolinjapan #tsukuba

This is Tsukuba Shuei High School. Our high school is just north of Tokyo, Japan. Our school has invited three teachers from other countries, Malaysia, China and Ghana. This is one of the new policies our school started.

To Further Progress as One Team
Tsukuba shuei, the exciting school.

Hi, guys. My name is 101Ken from Japan. This year our high school has invited three teachers from other countries, Malaysia china and Ghana. Today we have a special guest. Thank you for coming today. Please introduce yourself, please. Thank you very much. My name is Emmanuel. You can call me Emma. I am a teacher in Tsukuba Shuei high school. I teach English language and I'm also a phd student in Tsukuba university. Thank you. All right. Please tell me the good points and the bad points about Japan and the Japanese people. I think that if I have to talk about the good points and the bad points of Japan and the Japanese people, I will not finish today. But I would touch on a few good points and probably only one bad point. First, you know Japan is a fantastic country that you would love to live in and work in Japan one thing is that in Japan the country is such that everything is done efficiently and that's what I love so much about Japan. If it has to be done, then, it must be done well that is Japan there is so much cleanliness everywhere in Japan. Even in the most congested areas like Tokyo, you will not see a trash in Tokyo and that tells you that Japan is well organized and it is very very clean. That is one good point about Japan. Look at the people. Japanese people are so so so kind. And I have seen it in everywhere that I have gone to in Japan. They are very uh they are people who are very very humble. Japanese people are very considerate. You know they think about the the the welfare of other people. They think about what other people need. So they are very considerate and I love it so much about Japanese people. Thank you. What is your impression of our high school and students? I think that I am so much impressed about Tsukuba shuei high school. Students are very polite. They are caring and affectionate and you will love to be with them. That is one thing that I have learned about them. They have a very good attitude. I mean positive attitude to English language. Students are willing to speak English language everywhere they are, when they are having lunch when they are studying in the classroom, when they are having a chat outside the classroom, you see students wanting to use English language as a medium of communication all the time and that is one thing that I love about them. Okay, please tell us the secret of improving our English skills? The secret of improving your English skills. Tsukuba shuei high school, you have already made it. You have done it already. I mean you've done so much but one thing that I would talk about is that students continue to develop the habit of listening to English so that they find it easy to understand what other people are saying when it is not written but it is orally spoken. So I would recommend students to continue to watch movies in English language but that's where they have opportunity to listen to other people speaking English language so listening skills is very important. Okay thank you very much. A final question. Please give a message to our students. Tsukuba Shuei students, if you are listening to me, I think you have found yourself in one of the best schools in the world and in Japan. So please don't joke with your studies. Continue to study very hard and I believe that in future you will harvest what you are sowing today. Don't forget the speaking of English. Language is so much important that you know English is now an international language. If you want to visit other countries, you've got to speak English language. So please continue to practice the speaking of English language everywhere you are. Thank you very much and continue to learn hard. Thank you very much for your time. Please enjoy your teaching life with our students. Thank you very much. I'm glad. See you. Emma sensei is from Ghana. So this is one of new policies of our school called "Eigo no Shuei." Now this is 101 Ken from Japan


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